Following the parade, I caught a panel with BSG stars Aaron Douglas [Chief Tyrol], Richard Hatch [Tom Zarak] & Jamie Bamber [Apollo]. They're richly entertaining men who gleefully mock each other, joke with the fans and generally have a good time doing their thing.
Then I tried to get into a panel with Claudia Black, but was foiled - just as I finally found the correct line, the room was closed because it had reached capacity. Bah, screw their "fire code."
So, instead of listening to Claudia talk for an hour, I went to see Farscape stars Gigi Edgley [Chiana], Lani Tupu [Crais & the voice of Pilot] & David Franklin [Braca]. They were clearly having a good time and were fun to listen to. I wanted to ask a question [about Gigi's experience making a particularly disturbing episode], but as soon as I thought about standing up & having the attention of a huge room of people, if only for a few moments, I started getting uncomfortable. Man, sometimes even a hint of public speaking makes me feel a little ill.
I followed up that panel with a quick run through the Walk of Fame [a big room where the stars hold court]. I caught a glimpse of lots of people I'm happy to see, but was unwilling to wait in line to meet them, if only because I don't know what to say to any of them without sounding like a giggling fangirl.
After taking a short nap, I kicked off the evening's festivities by waiting in a ridiculously long line to see a Stargate megapanel, which featured ten of the stars from SG-1 & Atlantis. The line could have been worse, but I scored a spot next to a hot chick who I got to chat with while we waited, so that was nice. I can't say enough about how fun the panel was. It's clear these people really like each other and really enjoy what they do, as well as genuinely appreciate the fans. They're also not shy about adult humour, which scratches one of my favourite itches. It's especially nice to see Chris Judge out of character, because he's so entirely unlike Teal'c. Not only is he animated and lively, he's got a wicked sense of humour, tells a good story and has a dirty mind. Yay!
Finally, I wrapped up the night with a couple of Stargate fan-run panels, which covered "mature themes" in the SG universe. While I could have done with less of the panelists talking over each other and more dark side SG discussion, it wasn't entirely about egos. The second half of the panel, in fact, was all about my most recent addiction - SG slash. What's to say about that? Fans love to put their favourite characters into some seriously pervy situations.
Well, it is again late and I am tired, so here's a little something from the parade. There's just something cool about Klingons doing un-Klingony things...
And, I'll end this with a couple shots of what I wore today. I was going to wear my genie costume tonight, but realized I'd forgotten a vital component, so it'll wait 'til tomorrow instead.
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