On a lark, I took a short cruise through the Walk of Fame again, just to ask Lexa Doig [Dr. Lam on SG-1] how awesome it was to play Beau Bridges' daughter on that show, only because of my lifelong crush on Beau Bridges. She laughed when I said that watching her play that character tweaked my Electra complex big time, and she confirmed that he was indeed awesome to work with :) And, since I don't have a thing for Lexa Doig, I was able to talk with her sans giggling, which was a pleasant relief.
Next up was a panel on the dark side of Eureka. Returning this year is JPL rocket scientist & very cool guy, Kevin Grazier, who is the science adviser for Eureka & BSG. He's great to listen to, not only because he really knows his shit, but also because of his enthusiasm for the show & his appreciation for the fans.
That brought me up to dinnertime, so I had a little nosh and rested up in anticipation of a late night. When I ventured out later in the evening, it was to attend another "mature themes" panel, this time talking about adult content in scifi shows [of which there isn't enough, if you ask me]. It was fondly called the "You got your scifi in my smut! You got your smut in my scifi!" panel. I followed that up with a little bit of tv in the Stargate track room, but had to flee before they started Mega Snake.
Finally, this is the costume I've been working on for so long --
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