What a great start to the con! I arrived mid-afternoon, hotel check-in and con registration were quick & painless, and I was able to catch the last half of a panel with John DeLancie [Q on ST:TNG and Simmons on SG-1]. From there I went to a panel with a few of the actors from Farscape, a uniformly hot group of people. And though there were other panels I'm sure I would have enjoyed, I spent a good bit of the evening just walking around & checking things out. The people-watching is fantastic, and not just for all the cool costumes.
Speaking of which, Brak's mom looked totally cool --

I made a quick run through the exhibitors' hall, but haven't been to the dealers' room or the art show yet. They're not priorities, but I'd like to check them out. Now, however, it's coming up on 2am and I'm tired. Tomorrow's going to be a big day, between the DC parade, half a dozen panels and a few exciting late-night events.Speaking of which, Brak's mom looked totally cool --
Oh, hey, I almost forgot - George Lucas is here! I saw him, he stood right in front of me patiently waiting while a handful of geeks took his picture. Okay, so he might be on my shitlist [he & Peter Jackson are the only ones, so it doesn't really mean anything], but, dude, George Fuckin' Lucas, at DragonCon!
We've heard about it, we've read about it, how 'bout giving us a gander and your costumes.
Alright already :) My next post will include what I wore Saturday, not-great pictures though they might be. I still haven't mastered this camera, but I think I'm getting better....
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