Then there was another BSG panel. Aaron Douglas is really terrifically funny and is happy to talk about how much fun he's having at the con. He also talked a little about the final five cylons, which I appreciated. He made it very clear that they are not like the seven we'd met previously, and that there is only one version of each; if they die, they stay dead. He told a great little anecdote about the last ep of season 3 - apparently my favourite line, Tigh's "whoaaaa" when he walks into the room with Tyrol, Anders & Tory, was ad libbed and Ron Moore liked it enough to leave it in.
I finished up the con with another run through the dealer room, though thankfully I managed to avoid spending any more money. Yesterday I got cool little horns that I'm excited to wear to a party. Then I hung out outside my hotel awaiting my ride and watching the departure of the geeks. It was nice to get back to my friends after the con. Spending time with them is, of course, great, but it's also been helpful to talk to them about the weekend, to reinforce the stories & the memories.
Now I am left with a slew of after-con thoughts, from the uber-geeky to the creative to the mundane. Next year, I'm going to remember that it's summer, therefore I need to bring a few extra long-sleeved shirts. I know, it doesn't make any sense to me either, but the fact is every building I go into has its A/C set at a balmy 56 degrees.
As with most events of this kind [indulgent fringe festivals], I'm already thinking about things I want to do next year, like different costumes and maybe even some involvement in a couple of my favourite tracks. I took a small step this year by following the planning on the American Scifi track, but I did not take the plunge and actually contribute anything. So, maybe next year.
More than any other con I've ever been to, this year's DragonCon hit me over the head time & time again that geeks and fans [and geeky fans] are really great. While waiting to be let into a panel, someone I was in line with referred to this event as LineCon, which is unfortunately too close to accurate. However, that said, I was pretty damn lucky to spend most of my time in lines next to interesting people, and I had several good conversations. And this morning, a wonderful man brought me a coffee from the consuite. Yay wonderful man! Meeting new people is a pretty cool thing, and I think it's a direct result of attending the con by myself. Instead of my attention being mostly on my significantly awesome other, I was much more likely to interract with the people around me, which it turns out I enjoyed a lot. I have friends who dabble in the scifi geekery, but I'm really the only one who gets into it quite so much, so this weekend was a supremely satisfying indulgence.
I'm sure I'll have more to say in the next few days, as I process the weekend and memories prowl around inside my head. I'll also be getting some more pictures online soon. For now, enjoy these --
A totally hot Phoenix
A totally happy Aaron Douglas
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