Thursday, November 15, 2007

Make it BIG!

Tonight was the ST:TOS episode "The Menagerie" on the big screen and I'm plenty happy with it. Nothing about the ep was changed (that I noticed, or we were told about), though it was remastered and looked very pretty. Before the show, we got a short feature about what went into remastering it, and Gene Roddenberry's kid talked briefly about the making of the original ep.

Something odd that I noticed was that Majel Barrett, who played Capt. Pike's second-in-command, was not listed in the credits. Barrett, also known as Gene Roddenberry's wife, was Nurse Chapel on TOS and in some of the movies, as well as Lwaxana Troi on TNG, and the voice of the computer on TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, a couple eps of Enterprise & in some of the movies.

Not much else to say, except that I'm happy I went.

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