Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Top 10 scifi movies

The American Film Institute is choosing ten movies from a list of 50 for the best science fiction films ever, and broadcasting their picks on a TV special in June. While you can't have any say in that hoo-ha, you can let the SciFi Channel know what you think. Check out the story, with an address to send your picks, here.

This is the list I sent, which was chosen by use of random criteria, r-p-s with myself, and my own awful taste:

Metropolis (1927)
A Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner
Donnie Darko
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
The Matrix
Repo Man
Solaris (1972)

I'd be interested in hearing from other folks about their picks for best/favourites.

1 comment:

Yodood said...

What excellent choices. I would substitute 13th Floor for Donnie Darko and I haven't seen Dimension. You mentioned a possible remake of Metropolis the other day — I saw a Japanese animated version at the Filmhill online streaming movies — interesting insight into the differences of cultural projections into the future, just as the original Russian Solaris outshines the gollywood version.