Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sanctuary picked up by SciFi

Awhile ago, I posted about the online series Sanctuary (here's what I said). Well, the SciFi Channel is granting it 13 episodes for air, filming to begin next month.

I like Amanda Tapping a lot in this, and I think it'll be pretty damn good for her to get away from the Stargate universe, especially with a character who is so completely different from Sam Carter. Sanctuary also boasts a very cool villain, in the form of a seriously hot Christopher Heyerdahl (who also plays Todd the Wraith on SGA, incidentally).

So, no certain word yet on when it'll begin airing, but a 13-episode commitment is a good thing and I'm looking forward to where this story goes. All eight internet episodes can be purchased at the Sanctuary website, which also has a bunch of other cool things to check out. If you're a cheap bastard like I am, you can also download all eight eps on your friendly neighbourhood bittorrent network.

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