Friday, October 26, 2007


I've been battling some autumn crud for the past few days, making lying in front of the tv especially appealing. Tonight's episode of Stargate Atlantis was entertaining enough, though the commander who kidnapped Sheppard could have sucked less. It seems as though every time they meet a civilization with any reasonable degree of technological advancement, it's run by people who don't get the value of combining resources to face an indiscriminate enemy like the Wraith. Oh, and they're into kidnapping.

So, this is the...third? Ancient battleship they've run across now. I wonder if they'll ever find one they get to keep.

Last week's ep, with the nasty nightmare-inducing alien, was a fun one to watch. I sure do like it when good characters go bad, and EvilSheppard works really well for me. I like the addition of Jewel Staite, who's playing Dr. Beckett's replacement, though I'm not sure yet what I think of her character. Oh, and I'm definitely bummed that they offed Heightmeyer, the hottie psychologist. How unfair is that shit?

Btw, Atlantis has been renewed for a 20-episode fifth season, production to begin early next year. Yay!

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