Friday, August 10, 2007

The christening of a spectacular new device, catching up on Eureka, and other sundry entertainments

There's been a fair bit of scifi activity going on lately, but not a lot of writing about it because, well, the entertainment is too distracting. These days, I'm heavily into costume making for DragonCon. It's been something of a challenge as I pick up some handy new sewing skills. The task has been a great joy, though, as I both learn new things as well as get some really good time with my new sewing machine, The ESM* Sam Carter. It's a Brother CS-6000i, and it is totally awesome. As I work on costumes and test the handling of this most excellent machine, I'm reminded yet again of what a great difference good tools make.

So, I didn't post anything about last week's Eureka, but I definitely enjoyed it. For the most part, it stayed on the tolerable side of sappy, though I could have done without the part where the entire town traipses past Jack's bedside. However, that sap was more than made up for with SARAH's touching musical accompaniment at the end. Heheh. And of course, I'm glad Zoe's sticking around.

This week's episode was another entertaining one, though maybe a little further toward ridiculous than some eps. Ridiculous as any situation might be, though, Jack plays the consummate straightman. After a year in his job he's come to accept the extraordinary being ordinary, but he's still continually amazed by what passes for normal.

Finally, the premiere of the new Flash Gordon is on tonight. I haven't seen much beyond commercials and bits of news on the interweb, but it doesn't look half bad. Bear in mind, though, this is coming from someone who loved the 1980 movie, so take my opinion as you will.

Erica's Sewing Machine. I named it The Sam Carter after the character from Stargate SG-1.

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