Saturday, August 25, 2007

At least Flash is cute

Well, I'm giving Flash Gordon a chance, but yesterday's episode did little to impress me. I did, however, laugh a few times, so that's something. The writing for this ep was particularly bad and the story was weak. I'm enjoying the bounty hunter character, although she is a little too cliched. That said, we are just three episodes into it. Other than Battlestar Galactica, which had a wickedly good first season, I can't think of any series that didn't have some serious stinkers in their beginnings.

One thing I'm not feeling so generous about is the level of silliness. Perhaps the writers are trying to recreate the camp of the 1980 movie, but it just ends up being irritating.

Anyway, unless it really starts to suck hard, I'll keep watching Flash Gordon and hoping for improvement, because that's the kind of sucker I am.

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