Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fifty-six days and counting!

DragonCon is once again on the horizon (August 29-Sept 1) and I'm starting to get a bit psyched. The guest list is looking good, though subject to change, of course. There are lots of folks I'm eager to see, but the highlights today include Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol, Battlestar Galactica), Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck, Battlestar Galactica), Adam Baldwin (Jayne, Firefly), Cliff Simon (Ba'al, Stargate SG-1), David Nykl (Radek Zelenka, Stargate Atlantis), George Takei (if you need a reference for this guy, for shame!), and a bunch of others I don't feel like listing. The upshot is, this oughta be a good year.

I haven't thought much about costumes and I'm not really sure I'll be doing anything special this year. I do know I have neither the time nor the motivation to bust out anything really fancy, so I might just be sticking with clever t-shirts, and maybe a pirate get-up. Everyone loves pirates!

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