Friday, March 7, 2008

Now what will I do with my Friday nights?

Stargate Atlantis ended its 4th season tonight with a painful cliffhanger. Teyla is still missing and a couple weeks closer to giving birth, the rest of the team apparently got squashed, Michael's plans for galactic domination seem to be moving along very nicely, and the future doesn't look any better off than before Sheppard caught a ride back in time on a solar flare. Wow, are they fucked!

Watching the end of humankind in the Pegasus galaxy was pretty cool, and it was quite a pleasure to see everyone's demise. Teyla's end was a great deal more ignoble than she deserved, but not everyone can go down fighting. And hey, her child certainly went on to have a damn significant impact on history. Ronon, on the other hand, went out as I'd expect him to, with a hell of a bang, and it gave me a warm feeling inside that Todd the Wraith was there alongside him. Carter's kamikaze maneuver was definitely very excellent. Of course, I have to give props to Michael and his amazing evilness. Man, did he wreak some havoc.

I have to voice a little gripe about McKay & Keller, but it's just a fangirl gripe so it doesn't really mean shit. Even I can't take me seriously when I get like this. Anyway, GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM, YOU HUSSY!


My only complaint about tonight's season ender was how reminiscent it was of SG-1's series finale, "Unending." But really, I'm not complaining too much, and I certainly enjoyed it well enough.

As a whole, I liked this season quite a bit, but I'm pretty easy that way. For someone who didn't even like this show not that long ago, I've gotten roped in hard.

Now, let the withdrawal begin! Gateworld is speculating on when season 5 will start up, citing a TV Guide claim that it will probably come back in July. That would certainly be better than having to wait until fall, but, as I say far, far too often, we'll just have to wait and see.

On an unrelated note, in that same article they mention that SciFi might split BSG season 4 between 2008 & '09, due to the WGA strike, but that rumour has been around since at least a couple months before the strike started. Perhaps this was a plan in anticipation of a strike, but I'm skeptical...SciFi has not shown much wisdom in how it's treated BSG thus far, so regardless of other factors involved, I wouldn't expect them to make a wise decision on this front.

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