Friday, June 8, 2007

"Honey, the butlerth dead!"

It seems time I oughta yack about Farscape, it being a great scifi show & among my top...well, at least top 10. can you go wrong with a bosom-heaving Aeryn Sun in full fairy tale princess regalia, replete with big blond hair, fluttering eyelashes & a delicious lispy southern twang? You can't. I just watched the season 4 ep "John Quixote." Seen it a dozen times and it never gets old. Aeryn is always my favourite part. While I definitely think she's hotter in Peacekeeper leather than in princess tafetta, seeing her play the polar opposite of her usual character certainly has its appeal.

What makes this episode stand out is that it's more than just non-arc. Crichton & Chiana get trapped in a VR game by a twisted version of Stark and a good part of the ep takes place inside the game, where the usual cast of characters take on delightfully warped new roles. Aeryn's princess is joined by Scorpius' butler, Crais' bloodthirsty ogre, Rygel's blazingly flatulant black knight, even Crichton's version of Max Headroom as elevator attendant. Though the dialogues Crichton & Chiana have with Stark entertain with their riddles & poetry, Crichton's exchanges with Aeryn, Harvey & the Ogre are priceless in their charm. Aeryn demonstrates her princess persona divinely as she drawls, "So, can I help you find someplace to sheath that sword?" And through all the tricks, traps, antics & weirdness, Crichton is the dedicated straightman.

In the scenes outside the game, I really appreciated the flirty little moments between Scorpius & Sikozu. As revolting as he is, he's my favourite bad guy on the show and I very much like the character. Also, I'm pretty sure he & Sikozu would be hot together.

Maybe I'm sappy because it's spring, or maybe I just remember how I reacted when this ep originally aired and my utter joy at the return of Zhaan [who died in season 3], but I cried at the scene where John finally kisses Stark's princess and is released from the game. Only Zhaan could actually be comforting while telling John to stop being an ass :)

Maybe next I'll rewatch "Revenging Angel," the season 3 ep wherein Farscape meets Warner Bros., and wackiness ensues.

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