Monday, May 31, 2010

LSD in a sense-dep tank? What's not to like!

So, I started Fringe today and after two episodes, I'm interested enough to stick around. I like most of the characters, especially Walter, and I really like the way he and Peter relate. Dunham can get a little irritating at times, but she's been through some shit so I'm trying to cut her some slack. I hope she adjusts soon, because I don't think her job's going to get less weird.

The only other comment I'll make is that Massive Dynamic is PsiCorp and the redheaded chick is running Section 13.

Fake Science turned me on to Clear Science, handy shades for when you're being blinded with science. Since I like the site so much and expect to use it, I've added it to Geeky Places to Go over on the right. And if you were getting tired of Jason Momoa, I've also changed the Show & Tell picture; now it's some dudes dressed as those guys from King of the Hill.

Lost fans, have you started reading MetaFilter's Previously on Lost thread yet? Seriously, if you haven't, well, that's just a damned shame.

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