Saturday, May 12, 2007

A little light SG-1

My usual grump with episodes like this is that they don't serve the running story. However, maybe it was just my mood going into it, but I was entirely content with enjoying this ep for the entertainment of it. I like the way the ep was structured, with the team split up in their various pursuits and alternating scenes of what each was doing as the show progressed, then coming together at the end to [of course] save the day. Daniel's miraculous save via a speeding bus stretched my suspension of disbelief a little thin, but only because it seemed so mundane compared to the usual goings-on. And I was so pleased that the douchebag who'd been running the Lucian Alliance was finally done away with.

I loved that Cameron was from Kansas, the former stomping grounds of Ben Browder's Farscape character, John Crichton. Vala's interactions with Cam's parents & friends made me laugh. Though Vala certainly has it in her to be a really annoying character, she might have won me over early on just because she's played by Claudia Black. And while one of my complaints with Browder's Cameron Mitchell is that he's too much like John Crichton, I definitely can't say Vala is anything like Black's Farscape character, Aeryn Sun.

I clapped several times during this ep, like when Sam blew away her would-be assassin at the conference. She is so awesome. And Sam, Daniel & Teal'c facing off the bounty hunter on his ship; they looked ridiculously cool, all clad in black & stone-faced. Heh, then Daniel's "meddling kids" line only reinforced how totally cool SG-1 is.

So, not a particularly deep or substantial episode, but a fun ride nonetheless, and a good chance to enjoy the characters at their charming best.

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